Cornell University

Nature Rx

Holistic well-being through connection with nature

Pond with bridge and wooden pergola

Slim Jim Woods

Hiking, Trail Running, Wildlife Veiwing
A fairly level woodland path, with one steep slope.
At your leisure, 20-minute walk from Cornell’s Ag Quad.
Distance from You:

Campus Nature

This wide strip of mature forest is very bio diverse with old, majestic oak, hickory, and maple trees. This is one of the Cornell Botanic Gardens on-campus natural areas.

Campus Nature

This wide strip of mature forest is very bio diverse with old, majestic oak, hickory, and maple trees. This is one of the Cornell Botanic Gardens on-campus natural areas.


A trail within Slim Jim Woods leads to a bench under a old iconic oak tree, with a view of Newman Meadow in the F. R. Newman Arboretum. The slope in the woods is steep and the downslope movement of organic matter and water helps lead to changes in species diversity from the top to bottom of the slope. Notice how the ecological communities vary in these woods.


These woods begin near the entrance to the F. R. Newman Arboretum. A trail begins at the edge of the woods near a concrete sculpture called the Hyperbolic Paraboloid and leads to the top of the wooded slope.